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beauty tips for skin

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14 Beauty Tips for Face: Reach Flawless Skin

Want a clear and glowing face? Well, let’s take a look at some easy beauty tips for your face that you can follow at home like drinking water and exfoliating regularly.

How to get a clear face is the one question we women have been tackling forever! Well, we have collected some beauty tipsthe for face at home that have stood the test of time and have come out victorious. From changing up your skincare routine to adding a little more TLC, these tips can make all the difference in the world.


Flawless skin - the basics

Flawless skin - the basics

Soft, clear, and glowing skin is a dream we’ve all been chasing ever since we hit puberty. While acne and blemishes don’t ever seem to leave us; weather changes bring along their own set of skin concerns! Yes, it can be a struggle to flaunt flawless skin all day every day. But trust us, by following some easy beauty tips for your face at home, it can be attainable.


Beauty tips for face

Beauty tips for face

Wash your face twice a day

Washing your face should not be compromised, no matter what. It helps get rid of impurities and grime. And by washing, we mean really lathering up with Pond’s Pure Detox Anti-Pollution Face Wash in the morning and at night. It is enriched with activated carbon that removes any traces of pollution damage. It also treats blemishes,, acne, and dullness to make your skin look absolutely clean, flawless, and radiant.

Wash your face with cold water

A good way to depuff your face is to wash it with ice-cold water. This will instantly tone your skin, making it look fresh and healthy while tightening your pores and reducing the chances of blackheads and acne. It can also slow down the signs of aging and smooth out the wrinkles on your face.

Massage your face

Massage your face

Facial massage is a natural way to relieve stress. This is an amazing beauty tip for the face as it stimulates collagen production. It tightens the skin and lifts your facial muscles. It acts as anti-aging, treatment and gives you a youthful glow. Face massages also benefit inflamed skin conditions like acne and rosacea. It increases blood flow and oxygen which is needed for healing, plus it helps expel toxins that are often responsible for breakouts.

Drink water

Lack of hydration will show on your skin as it will make it appear dry, tight and flaky. Dry skin is more prone to wrinkling. As water is lost in large quantities every day, you need to replace it by drinking two to three litres of water daily. Water flushes out the toxins while also carrying nutrients to the cells. It also helps to reduce pimples, marks and even delaying the ageing process.

Wear sunscreen

Wear sunscreen

Although wearing sunscreen may seem like an added task that shows no immediate results, using a sunscreen today will ensure that your skin thanks you 10 years later. Sunscreen protects your skin from harmful UV rays and prevents wrinkles, spots and skin cancer. While we understand sunscreens can be greasy, there are ones with lightweight formulas so that you don’t have to feel icky. The sweatproof and waterproof Lakme Sun Expert Tinted Sunscreen SPF 50 has a natural finish so that it does not leave that dreaded white residue sunscreens are known for. On top of it, it absorbs 97% of the UVB rays while moisturising your skin.

Use a face mask

Use a face mask

Don’t deprive yourself of the pampering of a face mask for some Netflix in your free time. Even a DIY face mask is an easy and instant way to achieve healthy skin like a papaya mask for glowing skin or a turmeric mask for acne. If you don’t have the time, you can also try sheet masks like Pond’s Skin Brightening Serum Mask. It is loaded with niacinamide, hyaluronic acid and glycerine which help moisturise the skin. It creates a lipid barrier which is needed to boost your skin's ability to stay hydrated. This mask also contains vitamin E and sea daffodil that helps your face get a natural glow.

Get enough sleep

No, beauty sleep is not a myth. Sleeping rebalances your body’s hydration and keeps your skin healthy. Your body boosts blood flow to the skin while you snooze, which means you do wake up to a healthy glow. Skimp on sleep and your complexion can look drab, ashen, or lifeless. If you want to smooth out your eye bags, wrinkles and fine lines, we suggest you follow this beauty tip for face and sleep on time.

Use a clean pillowcase

If you can’t remember the last time you changed your pillow cover, then you should probably change it right now. Dirty pillowcases tend to harbour a lot of grime, oil and bacteria from your hair, skin and shirt, and can cause your skin to break out. Therefore, we highly recommend you change your pillow covers at least once a week to notice the difference in your skin.

Exfoliation is a must

Exfoliation is a must

If you’re looking for tips on how to get a clear face, the answer is nothing but exfoliation. Get your hands on the St. Ives Gentle Smoothing Oatmeal Scrub & Mask as it rejuvenates the skin and gets rid of dead cells. It also encourages blood circulation which is needed for an even skin tone and smooth texture. If that wasn’t enough, this scrub is paraben-free. It is loaded with oatmeal for effectively getting rid of dull skin and honey to soothe and soften the skin. Simply squeeze a coin-sized amount, scrub it on your face gently and then rinse it off.

But exfoliate only twice a week. Since your skin renews itself in the night, it is best done in the mornings after the face wash. Pamper your skin with a light massage during exfoliation as doing so will in turn stimulate circulation.

Remove makeup before hitting the sheets

Remove makeup before hitting the sheets

The answer to how to get a clear face lies in your night-time skincare routine. There are days when you are too lazy to do anything but hit the bed after getting home. But, before you decide to sleep with all your makeup on, here’s a reminder that it can worsen your skin and clog pores. It can also lead to a collagen breakdown and quicken premature ageing. Use the Lakme Absolute Bi-Phased Make-up Remover as the oil phase quickly lifts away even the most stubborn makeup, while the water phase helps in refreshing and moisturising dull and tired skin. This waterproof makeup remover is also dermatologically tested and is completely safe for people with sensitive eyes too.

Clean your makeup brushes regularly

One of the easiest beauty tips for face is to avoid unwashed makeup brushes. Dirty makeup brushes are a breeding ground for bacteria. When these come in contact with your face, it leads to clogged pores, breakouts and several other skin infections. In order to achieve clear skin, it’s a must to clean your makeup brush after every time you use them.

Don’t pop your pimples

Popping pimples may be tempting but it’s the biggest crime you’re committing. You are not just inviting bacteria but also scars to your face. Have you ever popped a pimple, and had it come back a few hours later or had another pimple right next to it? Well, it is all thanks to your pimple-popping skills! Therefore, do your skin a big favour and avoid touching your pimples.

Keep your hands off your face

Keep your hands off your face

Touching your face may seem like a harmless act, but did you know that this could be one of the top reasons your skin is never clear? Let us explain. Our hands collect a lot of dirt throughout the day and when we touch our face with them, we end up transferring the bacteria onto our face. Thus, the first step to clear skin is to avoid touching your face several times a day.

Work out regularly

While most of us work out to stay fit, it is also a way to achieve glowing skin! Exercising regularly increases blood flow to the skin cells, neutralising the harmful effects of oxidative stress. It also clears toxins from the body, cleansing the skin from the inside. You can work out at home, go for a jog, do zumba or even power yoga – all of these work because they get your body moving, and that’s the aim.

Well, with these easy beauty tips for face at home like simply not touching your face or washing your makeup brushes, say goodbye to all of your skin concerns in no time.

Lopa K

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Written by Lopa KOct 09, 2022
How to Include Vitamin C in Your Skincare Routine

Ever wondered why so many skincare products swear by vitamin C? Well, let’s take a look at this vitamin’s benefits for your skin and how you can add it to your daily routine. 

With vitamin C becoming a regular in skincare products and routines, you might be wondering what benefits it has for your skin. This antioxidant not only smoothens skin texture but evens complexion and has anti-ageing properties to boot making it a much sought-after vitamin. Well, let’s take a look at this superpower and how you can go about adding it to your skincare routine. 

Vitamin benefits for skin

What are vitamin C’s benefits for your skin  

Vitamin C is a major player found in glowing skin products and DIY remedies as it’s a natural astringent. This means that it fades blemishes, spots, acne and acne scars. Along with retaining a healthy glow, it is anti-ageing in nature as it stimulates collagen production.

If that wasn’t enough, it not only defends your skin from harsh UV rays but also can reverse sun damage. But how!? Well, vitamin C is known to speed up the healing process which means you can also turn to it to treat superficial wounds. It is even suitable for all skin types as it removes excess sebum from oily skin and hydrates dry skin. 

Choosing the right formula and routine   

Vitamin benefits for skin face wash

Start with a vitamin C-infused cleanser  

If you want to go about adding vitamin C to your skincare routine, your first step should be thoroughly cleansing your face and prepping it. You can get a head start by using the Simple Vitamin C Glow Facial Wash. Did you know that it also has glycerin to moisturise your skin? On top of it,  it is also loaded with vitamin B5 which maintains the skin’s natural proteins. This means, it keeps your skin healthy and firm. So, say goodbye to sagging skin and acne as it can also remove bacteria and grime from your face to give you an instant glow. Squeeze out a dollop and wash your face thoroughly with it. 

Vitamin benefits for skin face wash

Regularly exfoliate 

One of the most common mistakes that baby beauty enthusiasts make is to forego exfoliation. Washing your face is not enough. To get rid of the dead skin cells and stimulate healthy skin cells you need to exfoliate. Get to scrubbing your face with Simple Vitamin C Glow Clay Scrub which is a gentle exfoliator and removes 98% of the dust that ends up on your face after all that travelling and work.  

This nourishing cleanser contains bentonite clay which unclog pores effectively. It is also loaded with bamboo extract and ginger root juice to brighten skin as they are naturally bleaching agents. After washing your face with the face wash and dabbing your face dry, take a coin-sized portion of the scrub. Get to massaging your face for a few minutes before washing it off. You can repeat this step twice a week.

Vitamin benefits for skin face mask

Use a face mask 

Now that your face is clean, it is time to take a magnifying glass to some underlying skin problems. Did you know that large and open pores lead to blackheads? These in turn can turn into acne. They can also be hard and flaky if you have dry skin. Your next step to get a clear face is to tighten your pores and soften your skin. The Simple Vitamin C Brighten Clay Mask does all that and more. 

Dissolve the dead cells and draw out excess sebum all while nourishing your skin with natural clays like bentonite and kaolin. It also contains stearic acid which restores your skin’s natural softness and leaves it brighter. This face mask also helps with blood circulation if you don’t have time for a face massage. Squeeze out a dollop of the product and evenly apply it to your face. After your skin fully absorbs it in 20 to 30 minutes, rinse it off. You can apply this face mask once or twice a week. 

Vitamin benefits for skin woman serum

Add a vitamin C serum  

The next step happens to be a serum that makes use of a concentrated form of vitamin C if you want to kick up your skincare routine. Take a few drops of the Simple Booster Serum – 10% Vitamin C+E+F on your palm and apply it to your face and neck. Spread it all over and gently massage it in. Free of harsh chemicals and gentle on all types of skin, it gives a glow to your face while reducing blemishes. The vitamin E in it also nourishes your face while the vitamin F fights free radicals and tightens your skin. You can add it to your morning as well as night routine.   

Vitamin benefits for skin woman face cream

Hydrate with a cream  

End your routine with the Simple Vitamin C Moisturising Glow Gel. Amp up your skin’s healing process overnight while also keeping your face hydrated as long as 72 hours with it. Have you ever been frustrated with looking puffy and haggard after you wake up? Get naturally dewy and refreshed skin in the morning as this gel locks moisture into the skin. Take a coin-sized amount of the product and massage it all over your face. 

You can follow this routine in the morning or even at night before going to bed. 

Identify your needs  

With vitamin C having so many benefits for your skin, pinpoint what is ailing you and then get to treating it.  

Vitamin C for anti-ageing  

With one of vitamin C’s attractive features being anti-ageing properties, you can also use a serum to make the most of it. It smoothens the skin’s texture and refreshes dull skin. And while removing dead skin, it also helps with cell regeneration. On top of it, it fights free radicals and prevent premature ageing.  

Vitamin benefits for skin woman serum

Vitamin C for scars and acne-prone skin  

Now if you’re tired of feeling like your fingers are on a gravelly road whenever you touch your cheeks, we’ve got you. Vitamin C in the form of a serum like the Lakme 9 to 5 Vitamin C Serum penetrates the skin at a deeper level and creates a barrier of sorts.  

Along with preventing acne it also smoothens scars and dents left behind by stubborn acne. This serum also contains kakadu plum extracts that hydrate your skin and also makes sure that dry and dead skin cells don’t clog your pores.  

Vitamin benefits for skin day night cream

Vitamin C for redness and inflammation 

If you have delicate skin that turns red or inflamed over the slightest of inconveniences like harsh sun rays or physical activity, you may have rosacea. To control this hyperpigmentation and soothe the inflamed blood vessels, hydrate your skin with the Lakme 9 to 5 Vitamin C+ Day and Night cream.  

Along with vitamin C and E, they contain murumuru and shea butter that keeps skin soft and glowing. They also strengthen the skin’s barrier and provide a cooling effect with their non-greasy formula. Moisturise your face in the morning with the day cream to prep your face for the day and then turn to the night cream before you go to sleep to wake up with healthy skin. 

Vitamin benefits for skin woman skin glow

Vitamin C for dull skin and blemishes 

If you are a daily commuter and have to face the wrath of train travel or simply the horrid rush hour of Indian roads, you might have resigned yourself to sporting dull skin and dark spots. But no more.  

Make sure to deep clean your face daily once you’re back home before falling on your bed. We’d suggest the Simple Vitamin C Glow Facial Wash. As mentioned above, it washes away all of the day’s dirt, oil and sweat all in one go. It also gets rid of excess sebum and blemishes leaving you with bright and spotless skin.   

Vitamin C for sensitive skin  

For sensitive skin, your best bet is Simple’s Vitamin C skin range as it does not contain any harsh chemicals like alcohol or artificial colour that may irritate your skin. Simple has mastered the art of natural and organic products as this range even suits all skin types whether you have oily or dry skin. Along with vitamin C, it also contains vitamin B3, antioxidants and yuzu that better the skin’s health.  

Vitamin benefits for skin woman

When to use vitamin C products  

There really is no steadfast rule on when you should apply vitamin C if you do not have a lot of time on your hand. But the best time to apply it is in the morning as it gets your skin ready for battle. From free radicals like pollution and UV rays to sweat and dust, vitamin C will act as your shield. Beauty junkies advise combining vitamin C with your sunscreen.  

Well, we suggest the Lakme Sun Expert Ultra Matte Gel Sunscreen SPF 50 as it is perfect for all skin types and better yet, the Indian weather! It defends your skin against 97% of harmful UV rays with SPF 50. It is a must-have for those with oily skin specially as it gives a matte finish thanks to its non-sticky and lightweight formula. Before heading out, simply apply a generous amount to your face and exposed parts of your body.  

Vitamin benefits for skin woman apply skincare

How often should I apply vitamin C for best results?  

Beauty experts recommend that you should gradually introduce products that have concentrated vitamin C like face serums. This is because vitamin C contains ascorbic acid and could irritate your skin if you go overboard. Get your skin used to it by applying vitamin C every alternate day before moving on to applying it every day.  

As for products like face wash, moisturiser and sunscreens containing vitamin C, it can be applied every day and multiple times throughout the day since it is completely safe with no harsh side effects.  

Vitamin benefits for skin


There are some do’s and don’t’s that you should keep in mind when adding vitamin C to your skincare routine. If you use vitamin C products for your skin in the morning, wait a while before heading out in the sun so that its benefits are fully maximised.  

Store vitamin C in a cool area and see to it that it isn’t placed where direct sun rays may fall. Keep your products tightly closed so that they don’t get oxidised. Don’t combine vitamin C with retinol as there could be some side effects like redness and peelings. This is a given, but also do not use expired products, ever, it just is not worth it.  

Interactions with other ingredients 

Since vitamin C is an acid, after all, it will not react well with certain ingredients like benzoyl peroxide or retinol. It can make vitamin C less potent and may even cause irritation. You can alternate between the products instead of simply skipping them. If you use vitamin C in the morning, move the benzoyl peroxide and retinol products to your nighttime routine.  

FAQs about vitamin C in your skincare routine   

Can I combine vitamin C and salicylic acid in the same routine?  

Experts advise that you should alternate between vitamin C and salicylic acid as combining the two can disturb the pH balance of your skin. If you use vitamin C in the morning, use your salicylic acid product at night or vice versa. 

Is vitamin C safe to use during pregnancy?  

Vitamin C is a safe ingredient that works well with all kinds of skincare routines and can be used during pregnancy. 

Can I use vitamin C after derma-rolling?  

New studies suggest that it just might not be a good idea to use vitamin C after a derma-rolling treatment. This is because vitamin C is an active ingredient that targets the layers under the skin and in turn could affect the healing process or even interfere with the results of derma-rolling. 

Is it safe to use vitamin C under the eyes?   

Yes, you can use vitamin C under your eye. In fact, many skincare products add vitamin C specifically to target dark circles. 

Lopa K

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Written by Team BBSep 28, 2022
Benefits of Rose Water for Your Skin

Rose water is nothing but water infused with the goodness of rose petals. But boy, has it taken the beauty industry by storm with umpteen rose water benefits for skin! 
Rose water is something we all use on a daily basis, and it is that versatile ingredient which is suitable for every skin type. But apart from being a toner and the magic water for your DIY face masks, this beauty tonic has a gazillion other uses. So, what are the beauty benefits of rose

Rose Water for Skin - The Basics  

Before we begin, here are some amazing benefits of rose water for skin that you should know about: 

  • Rose water helps maintain the pH levels of your skin 

  • It controls excess sebum production, which makes the best rose water for oily skin 

  • It is the perfect hydrating and nourishing agent for your skin, that’s why it works wonders for winter skin care with its many benefits. Rose water calms skin issues such as eczema, dermatitis, acne and other types of skin inflammations 

  • It strengthens the skin's barrier function and protects the skin against harmful environmental aggressors 

Now that you know about the many benefits of rose water for skin, here's how to use rose water in your everyday beauty routine... 

Benefits of Rose Water for Skin and Hair 

What are the rose water uses for skin and hair? 

rose water benefits for skin woman leg shave

1. Use it as an after-shave   

Yes, you can use rose water as an aftershave! Goodbye to all the skin burns and rashes that we tend to get after shaving those legs. Rose water for dry skin calms down, soothes the irritation and reduces inflammation. Spritz rose water on the shaved area right after you’re done to see the best results. Interesting enough?

rose water benefits for skin woman St. Ives Refreshing Rose Water & Aloe Vera Body Wash

2. Give your skin a moisture boost 

Is rose water good for dry skin? Undoubtedly, rose water is a power-packed dose for your skin. It rejuvenates your skin by giving it back the moisture and hydration. A great way to fight dry, dull and lifeless skin is to use this beauty potion at least once a day. Spritz it all over your face and let it soak into your skin. Easy enough? Discover other uses of rose water to treat dry skin

To take care of your body, take advantage of St. Ives Refreshing Rose Water & Aloe Vera Body Wash that leaves your skin soft and hydrated. Its paraben-free and cruelty-free formula with aloe vera and rose water refreshes your skin, makes it smooth and glowy. 

rose water benefits for skin woman after shower

3. Even out your skin tone 

Rose water can be used to lighten the skin pigmentation, too. If you have slightly uneven skin, this will work great on you. Is rose water good for oily skin? Yes, because it restores the pH balance of your skin, removes oil and dirt from your skin by unclogging your pores. 

How to use rose water for oily skin or uneven skin complexion? Spritz rose water on your face and neck and gently massage it into your skin for a good 3-4 minutes. Then, rinse your face with cold water. That’s it! You can also try the mix of lemon and rose water for skin whitening. But before using homemade recipes, do a patch test or take a dermatologist’s advice. 

rose water benefits for skin scent

4. De-stress, baby!  

Turns out, this magic potion is also an antidote for stress. Use rose water to relieve yourself from all the stress and tension going on in your mind and body. Spray some of it on your neck, wrist, behind the ear and let its sweet fragrance kick off your stress!

rose water benefits for skin lips

5. Pamper your lips 

Your lips, too, scream for all the extra attention and care. Among all traditional and unusual ways to use rose water in your beauty routine, it’s a great way to pamper your lips. Rose water moisturises your lips and makes them pink and plump. All you need to do is take some rose water on a cotton pad and dab it over your lips. Then, apply a good layer of lip balm. Voila, you have your soft pink lips!

rose water benefits for skin

6. As a make-up remover   

Did you know that rose water benefits your skin and eyes? If you have dry and sensitive skin, then finding a make-up remover that suits your skin can be a real task. Using the wrong kind of make-up remover can break you out and leave your skin feeling raw. But the natural astringent properties of rose water coupled with its nourishing and hydrating properties is a great way to gently and effectively remove make-up without being even a tiny bit harsh for your skin.

rose water benefits for skin hair wash love beauty and planet shampoo conditioner

7. As a hair rinse   

There are a number of rose water benefits for hair. For example, hair rinses are a great way to end your hair wash as they help to seal the cuticle and deliver your hair with that extra boost of shine and hydration. Using rose water as the final hair rinse helps to provide a deep conditioning effect and gives it a boost of natural shine. 

You can also try Love Beauty and Planet Murumuru Butter and Rose Blooming Color Shampoo & Conditioner Combo infused with hand-picked Bulgarian rose petals, coconut oil and murumuru butter. These products help moisturise and nourish your hair, lock-in moisture, and leave a sweet floral scent. 

rose water benefits for skin woman skincare

8. Soothes irritated skin   

Is rose water good for skin that is sensitive and prone to irritation? Rose water is a rich source of anti-inflammatory properties that help to soothe angry, irritated skin. Applying a little rose water helps to instantly provide a cooling effect and helps in reducing itchiness and redness. 

FAQs about Benefits of Rose Water   

Q1 Can I use rose water daily?  

A. Yes, definitely. Rose water acts as a natural toner and can definitely be used daily. The best thing is that you can use rose water for oily skin, dry skin, or combination skin type, and hence is completely safe to be used daily. 

Q2 When should we apply rose water on the face?  

A. You can apply rose water on your face at any time and as many times as you like. It can be used as a face mist when your skin feels tired. It is advised to use rose water on your face at least twice a day to reap maximum benefits. 

Q3 Should we wash our face applying rose water? 

A. No, absolutely not. In order to ensure that rose water works effectively, it is best to spritz some rose water onto your face and allow it to dry naturally before moving on with the rest of your skincare products. This will ensure that it is completely absorbed into your skin and isn't getting lifted while applying other skincare products. 

Now learn more about rose water benefits for skin - use it during summer and in your winter skincare routine

Team BB

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Team efforts wins!!!!


Written by Team BBSep 27, 2022
8 Beetroot Benefits for Skin: All you need to know

Over the past decade, numerous skincare and makeup brands have emerged and flooded the beauty industry. While some may really benefit us, we often fall for the marketing gimmicks and end up spending tons of money on over-hyped products. Sometimes all we need to do is peep in our refrigerator and we will find goodness sitting inside. Fruits and vegetables not only contain nutritional value that benefit our health, but are also vital for our skin and hair. One such underrated vegetable is beetroot. This root vegetable is a great source of fibre, folate (vitamin B9), manganese, potassium, phosphorous, iron and vitamin C. It also contains anti-inflammatory properties that help in treating skin and hair ailments. Below we will discuss beetroots benefits for skin, beetroot juice benefits and how you can integrate this vegetable in your skincare and haircare routine.   

Beetroot Benefits Basics 

The vibrant red vegetable is packed with nutritious goodness. Beetroot benefits our health as it increases stamina and blood flow, reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke, boosts immune system by improving digestion and lowers blood pressure. Beetroot can be consumed raw, cooked, as beetroot juice or even as beetroot powder. Beetroot powder benefits the skin and hair by preparing pastes and masks to incorporate in the beauty routine.  

Beetroot Benefits for Skin 

beetroot benefits for skin

Just like watermelon, beetroot is also high in water content. It consists of 87% water, so you can imagine how hydrating this vegetable is for our skin. Beetroot is also rich in vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant that is important for our immunity and skin health. Below we will discuss the benefits of eating beetroot and benefits of drinking beetroot juice.  

1. Fights Acne 

beetroot benefits woman acne

Beetroot or beetroot juice benefits our skin as it can help in reducing acne scars, wrinkles and dark spots. Beet is a rich source of vitamin C that helps reduce excess oils in the skin and may help prevent breakouts and acne. Beetroots are a good source of pigments known as betalains. Betalains consists of betacyanins, and the betacyanin in beetroot is betanin which gives beet its deep red colour. Betanins are said to have anti-inflammatory properties. Thus, the vegetable soothes the inflammation and itching around the pimples.  

Drinking a glass of beetroot juice every day will help flush out the toxins from the body and help in purifying the blood, hence reducing the chances of acne. You can consume beetroot juice as is or add a little carrot or cucumber to it. You can also prepare yummy beetroot and carrot juice. Beetroot and carrot juice benefits skin immensely as it cleanses out toxins, repairs damaged skin cells and promotes growth of the new ones. You can also make a beetroot and yoghurt paste and use it as a mask. The mask will dry out the acne or pimples without leaving any scars.   

2. Makes the skin glow 

beetroot benefits woman Lakme Absolute Perfect Radiance Brightening Light Crème

Since consuming beetroot helps purifying the blood by removing toxins, it leaves our skin looking plump, healthy and glowing. Vitamin C in beetroot protects the skin from early signs of aging. The iron content in beetroot also revives the damaged cells from within, giving an instant glow to the dull skin. Beetroot also lightens the skin tone as it removes dead skin cells and dirt from the top surface of the skin. Vitamin C also decreases melanin formation and treats hyperpigmentation. You can apply beetroot juice and lemon juice mixture to your face. Keep it for 15 minutes and rinse it off. Lemon and beet both help in removing dry and dead skin cells. You can also get a fresh and radiant glow everyday with Lakme Absolute Perfect Radiance Brightening Light Crème

3. Brightens Lips 

beetroot benefits woman lips

If you have hyperpigmentation on your lips, due to excess coffee consumption or smoking or your lips are dry and flaky and losing their moisture, beetroot is the solution. Applying beetroot juice on your lips leaves a natural reddish, giving your pout a flush of rosy colour. You can also use beet as an exfoliator. Mix grated beet with sugar and exfoliate your lips for about five minutes. This will leave your lips soft and luscious. Beetroot has bleaching properties and helps in lightening the lip colour. Apply a frozen slice of beetroot on your lips for a natural pink tint.  

4. Keep skin nourished & hydrated 

beetroot benefits woman face wash

Beetroot consists 87% water which makes it highly hydrating for the skin. Since beetroot is readily available during winters, it can be incorporated in your skincare routine to fight dryness and for a boost of hydration. If you suffer from dry skin, make a beetroot mask using beetroot juice, honey and milk for a moisturising effect. High levels of folate and antioxidants helps in preventing wrinkles and delays the appearance of fine lines. Consuming a glass of beetroot juice also improves the elasticity of the skin. 

Beetroot Benefits for Hair 

Our hair goes through daily damage due to pollution, lifestyle stress, hair-coloured treatments or excess heat, and more. To bring back life to our hair and retain the moisture loss which leads to dry, brittle and frizzy hair, beetroot works wonders for damaged hair. The superfood is highly recommended to be included in your haircare routine. Since it is all natural, there are no side-effects of using beetroot for a healthy scalp and hair growth. Below we will discuss beetroot benefits for hair. 

1. Prevents hair loss 

beetroot benefits woman hair loss

Hair loss is caused due to mineral deficiency. Rich in potassium, iron and electrolytes, beetroot helps repair limp hair and reduces the chances of breakage. Massaging the hair with beetroot juice increases blood circulation and open the pores. The juice enriches hair follicles and keeps them strong hence reducing hair fall.  

2. Treats Dandruff 

beetroot benefits woman dandruff

Dandruff is caused due to fungal infection or dry scalp. Anti-inflammatory and enzymatic properties in beet reduce flaking and eliminates dandruff. You can mix vinegar or neem water with beetroot juice and apply it on the scalp. Wash it off with your shampoo. 

3. Relieves itchy scalp 

beetroot benefits woman brown hair roots

Since beetroot has anti-inflammatory properties, it can curb scalp inflammation and facilitate effective functioning of the hair follicles. Scalp inflammation can result in stunted and poor hair growth. Cut a slice of beetroot and rub it on your scalp. The juice will remove dead skin cells. Leave it on for 15 minutes to get rid of dandruff and itch-free scalp. 

4. Promotes hair growth 

beetroot benefits woman long brown hair

If your hair is prone to extreme dryness, especially in winters, beetroot can help in improving your hair health. Due to high level of iron, electrolytes and potassium in beetroot, it can repair flat, lifeless hair that are prone to damage. Make a hair mask using beetroot juice and some ground coffee. Mix both together and apply it as a hair mask. Leave it for an hour and rinse it thoroughly. 

Consuming beetroot benefits for men as well. Hair thinning and balding is also common among men. Application of beetroot juice on scalp can also be beneficial for men. Although, beetroot is tolerated well by everyone, as it is rich in fibre, vitamins and minerals, some are allergic to it too. Always watch out for side effects before consuming anything in excess. 

FAQs about Beetroot Benefits for Skin (and Hair) 

Q1 Does beetroot change hair colour? 

A. Yes, beetroot can be used as a natural dye to add temporary wine-red tint to your hair. You can mix half cup of carrot juice with a half cup of beetroot juice. Pour the solution over your hair and rub the solution over the strands slowly. Let it sit for an hour or two before rinsing it off. You can repeat the process a couple of times depending on how deep red colour you want to achieve. It is advised to do this process in a bathroom as beetroot can stain almost everything. 

Q2 How much beetroot can you eat a day? 

A. Consuming one cup of beetroot daily is sufficient. Although, eating too much could increase your risk of kidney stones because of their high oxalate content.  

Q3 What are the side effects of beetroot? 

A. If you have a history of kidney stones, adding beetroot in your diet will aggravate the stones. Some people are also allergic to beetroots. Also, people with low blood pressure are advised to reduce intake of beetroot. 

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Team efforts wins!!!!


Written by Lopa KSep 20, 2022
Exfoliate Skin at Home: Here’s How to 

Curious as to what this scrubbing technique is and how it can get you glowing skin that you’ve been dreaming of? Well, let’s get into the nitty gritty and learn how to exfoliate skin easily. 

Ever wondered how to exfoliate skin at home? It is one of the easiest ways to remove everyday grime, regenerate skin cells and bring a glow to your face. The sun, pollution, dead skin, blackheads, acne and other such problems can easily make your skin look dull. Simply exfoliate them away and we are here to tell you the best way to do it! 

how to exfoliate skin scrub

Exfoliate skin at home - the basics  

Filters are great but showing off your natural skin texture on Instagram is a different type of flex. 

And if you take good care of your skin, it will definitely show. Get started on it with a simple CTM routine which includes a cleanser, toner and moisturiser. But on some days, you can do with a little more and that’s where exfoliation comes into place. 

While exfoliation is not a new concept, many of us still don’t seem to get it right or skip it altogether. To understand the benefits of exfoliation and how to do it right, let’s understand what it exactly is and how to exfoliate skin at home. 

What is exfoliation? 

Every few days, your skin sheds dead skin to make way for a new layer. The dead skin cells remain on your face and leads to issues like clogged pores, dry patches, white flakes and breakouts. If left untreated, these clogged pores could turn into cystic acne. To avoid all these, you must exfoliate your skin two to three times a week. It helps get rid of the dead skin cells, makes your skin even and smooth, unclogs the pores, stimulates collagen production and reduces fine lines as well. 

how to exfoliate skin woman st.ives scrub

Choose your exfoliant  

Scrubbing your skin is the only way to get back your original glow, even your skin tone and help with blood circulation. When learning how to exfoliate skin at first, do it once a week. Once you’re used to it, you can stick to scrubbing your face once a week if you have regular or oily skin and once in 10 days if you have dry and sensitive skin

For beginners, St. Ives Fresh Skin Apricot Scrub is the best solution to get started. It controls excess oil production and roots out grime, dirt and dead skin cells that may have clogged your pores. The apricot in it deeply purifies your skin while improving skin texture. Meanwhile, the salicylic acid prevents sebum build-up in the first place so you won’t have to worry about new acne. It is also gentle on the skin and doesn’t contain any abrasive particles leaving you feeling refreshed immediately. 

how to exfoliate skin woman face wash

How to exfoliate at home 

Before you begin, it’s best to exfoliate your skin at night to avoid sun exposure on a fresh layer of skin that may be tender after exfoliation.  

Step 1 - Wash your skin with a cleanser that suits your skin type to remove all your makeup and impurities. 

Step 2 - Apply the scrub with dry fingertips to a clean but damp face, carefully avoiding the area near your eyes.  

Step 3 - Next, wet your fingertips and massage the scrub around your face in a circular motion for a few minutes. Beauty expert and Education Head Hinaa Khan advises against rubbing the exfoliant too vigorously on your skin as it can cause irritation and stinging feelings on your skin. 

Step 4 - Wash off with lukewarm water and follow up with a toner and moisturiser. 

How to exfoliate naturally 

But if you love a challenge, here’s how to exfoliate skin at home with natural scrubs. Dealing with a moody skin type isn’t easy. You experience a minor weather change or try a new ingredient or product or simply breathe, and it starts acting up. Picking an exfoliator for sensitive skin type is a real task though. You need to use mild ingredients that don’t leave your face red, irritated and itchy. So, to make life easier, you can always make these scrubs with items lying around your kitchen! 

how to exfoliate skin oat scrub

Honey and oatmeal 

Honey and oatmeal are both super calming and nourishing ingredients that exfoliate your skin gently. While oatmeal soothes the skin, honey leaves it bright and glowing.  

  • Grind two tablespoons of oatmeal and add two tablespoons of organic honey to it.  

  • Mix the two ingredients and massage them on your face gently.  

  • Rinse it off and moisturise.  

Do it once a week. But let's be honest, concocting a face scrub every time before you want to use it can be a little cumbersome. Hence, if you want something that's readily available each time you want to use it go for the St. Ives Gentle Smoothing Oatmeal Scrub and Mask . Enriched with oatmeal and honey, this face scrub sloughs away dead skin cells as well as delivers your skin with oodles of nourishment. 

how to exfoliate skin coffee scrub

Coffee and coconut oil 

Ground coffee helps exfoliate skin and remove dead skin cells, excess oil and deep-settled impurities on the face. Coconut oil, on the other hand, moisturises and reduces itchiness, redness and rash.  

  • Mix equal amounts of finely ground coffee and extra virgin coconut oil.  

  • Apply the scrub on your face generously. Massage for a few minutes. 

  • Wash your face with lukewarm water.  

You can follow up with a moisturiser and repeat this routine weekly. The St. Ives Energizing Coconut and Coffee Scrub delivers the same results, just a tad bit faster and more effectively. It provides deep exfoliation to your skin without being even a tiny bit harsh and leaves your skin super smooth and nourished. 

how to exfoliate skin sugar scrub

Brown sugar and olive oil 

Brown sugar is finer and thus softer than refined white sugar. It is a better option to include in a facial scrub if you have sensitive skin or acne while olive oil nourishes dry skin. It will also soothe skin irritation and lend a healthy glow. 

  • Mix two tablespoons of brown sugar with a tablespoon of olive oil and make a smooth paste.  

  • Use it as a scrub and gently massage it for a few minutes. 

  • Rinse it off with water.  

You can use this DIY scrub once or twice a week. But if you want the same results but quickly, opt for the  St. Ives Radiant Skin Pink Lemon and Mandarin Orange Scrub. This amazing scrub not only lifts away dead skin cells to give your skin a radiant glow but is super gentle on the skin and is perfect for anyone with sensitive skin. 

how to exfoliate woman face scrub

Do’s and don’ts of exfoliating 

One of the biggest mistakes we make while scrubbing is over-exfoliating our skin. This can lead to skin hypersensitivity and can cause serious damage to the skin. Hinaa Khan has listed down a few more things to keep in mind if you are figuring out how to exfoliate skin. 

The 72 hours rule: Make sure you don’t exfoliate after bleaching, using face wax, facial treatment or threading for at least 72 hours as your skin is very sensitive at that time. 

Night magic: It is best to exfoliate your skin at night. This helps avoid sun exposure on the fresh layer of skin that you achieve after exfoliation. 

Never exfoliate irritated skin: Avoid exfoliating your skin if you have developed irritation, sensitivity, sunburn, pustular or active acne or broken skin. It is best to let the skin recover and then restart exfoliation. 

Avoid after having a skin treatment done: Make sure you don’t exfoliate your skin after undergoing skin treatments like chemical peels, microdermabrasion, laser or any other resurfacing treatments until your skin has recovered and healed properly. Also, avoid scrubbing if you are using medically prescribed exfoliating creams, gels etc. 

Sun sensitivity: Make sure you take a gap of seven days before and after a sunny beach holiday to exfoliate your skin as there might be sun damage on your skin that might get aggravated due to scrubbing. Also, make sure you use sunscreen daily to protect your skin from harmful sun rays. 

Read the label: We often ignore it, but it is actually pretty helpful to follow directions of use written on the products that we use thoroughly to maximise your exfoliating experience. 

Now that you know how to exfoliate skin, what are you waiting for? Get to achieving that glowing skin you deserve in the comfort of your home! 

Lopa K

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Written by Lopa KSep 19, 2022
How to Use Hibiscus Leaves to Grow Your Hair: 6 Tips 

From controlling dandruff to covering bald patches, the uses of hibiscus leaves for hair are many. Well, let’s see how we can add this flower to our haircare routine to get a healthy mane. 

While it may be all the rage now but hibiscus leaves for hair is not a new trend. This flower has been used for centuries, especially in India as an Ayurvedic treatment to treat various types of illnesses, and is also very common in natural skin and haircare remedies. From nourishing your skin and giving it a healthy glow to strengthening your hair roots and ensuring thicker growth, the hibiscus flower is one natural ingredient that never disappoints.   

hibiscus leaves for hair woman

The hibiscus flower basics  

But unsure how to use hibiscus leaves for hair? From easy DIY hair packs to a tea rinse, it is as easy as it can get. That’s not all. You can also go ahead and drink it as it also strengthens your body from the inside. Whether it is calming skin irritation or treating weak hair follicles, hibiscus can do it all. 

So the next time you are at the supermarket, go ahead and get a pack of its tea. Take all the advantages of hibiscus leaves’ benefits for hair and add them to your haircare routine. 

hibiscus leaves for hair

Benefits of hibiscus leaves for hair  

Promotes natural collagen production 

Hibiscus is a rich source of vitamin C, which is essential to produce collagen in your body. We all know that collagen is a superpower for the skin and makes it healthy and younger-looking. But it also does wonders for your hair. The amino acids in collagen help with hair growth, strengthen hair follicles and maintain a healthy scalp. 

Soothes inflammation 

This trumpet-shaped flower may also be your one-stop shop for inflammation and irritation. Whether you have itchy skin or a greasy scalp, hibiscus can soothe it all. Loaded with beta-carotene, it also acts as a shield against free radicals like pollution and dust that can otherwise damage your scalp and hair.  

Hydrates scalp 

Every dermat or expert or friend you have consulted must have told you that water is extremely important for your skin. But if that doesn’t convince you, water intake also helps with the hair’s health. Well, level up by drinking hibiscus tea to increase your water consumption, detox your body, and hydrate your skin and your hair! You need to stay hydrated for better blood circulation which in turn increases the speed of hair growth

If you keep forgetting to drink water, adding hibiscus tea to your breakfast or evening snack time is a great way to increase your water intake. Since hibiscus has a naturally citrusy, fruity flavour, it makes for a really yummy replacement for water. 

hibiscus leaves for hair long brown wavy  woman

Aids better hair growth 

Did you know that hibiscus leaves for hair are an age-old remedy to control bald patches? Since it is loaded with vitamin C and also helps with blood circulation, the leaves stimulate weak and dormant follicles. This in turn helps in regrowing hair and in some cases also recovering from baldness. The hair that grows back is also said to be healthier and stronger. 

Strengthens hair roots 

Another hibiscus leaves benefit for hair is the ability to strengthen the roots. If your pores are clogged and your scalp is not allowed to breathe, it can weaken the hair at the roots leading to hair fall. The amino acids in hibiscus encourage blood circulation and delivery of oxygen to your scalp and keep your hair strong and voluminous

Reduces frizz and dandruff 

Did you know that a hibiscus tea rinse can also control frizziness, calm stray hair strands and also help get rid of dandruff? It keeps your scalp hydrated as dryness is a leading cause of dandruff. It also soothes the itchiness that arises as a side effect of your scalp flaking. 

hibiscus leaves for hair woman Dove Elixir Nourished Shine Hair Oil

How to use hibiscus leaves for hair  

Okay, say that you are convinced that hibiscus is the next hero ingredient. So, how to use hibiscus leaves for hair? If you begrudgingly oil your hair because you hate the greasiness but understand its importance, you can kill two birds with this one stone – The Dove Elixir Nourished Shine Hair Oil. Loaded with hibiscus and argan oils, it nourishes and protects hair. Along with defending your locks from free radicals, it also adds a shine to your hair. Get all the advantages of overnight oiling in 30 minutes with  hibiscus and argan oil at your fingertips. 

All you need to do is take a couple of drops and massage it to your hair from the root to the tips. You can use it either before or after washing your hair! But if you like a challenge, try some home remedies with DIY packs of hibiscus leaves for hair. 

hibiscus leaves for hair

Tea rinse for frizz and dandruff 

  • Step 1 - Brew a cup of hibiscus tea as usual and let it cool down. 
  • Step 2 - Mix the tea with 200 ml of water. You can increase the water level depending on the length of your hair. 
  • Step 3 - Wash your hair and then apply this tea rinse all over your hair and scalp, ensuring that every single strand is covered 
  • Step 4 - Massage the tea rinse into your scalp for a few minutes. You can leave it on for 30 minutes or for a few hours. 
  • Step 5 - Rinse it out and follow it up with a conditioner. 

hibiscus leaves for hair

Hibiscus and yogurt for stronger hair 

  • Step 1 - Blend three to four hibiscus leaves and flowers to form a paste. 
  • Step 2 - Add four tablespoons of yogurt to the paste and mix to form a smooth consistency. 
  • Step 3 - Apply this paste to your hair and scalp thoroughly. 
  • Step 4 - Leave it for on an hour. You can cover your hair with a shower cap to prevent a mess. 
  • Step 5 - Wash off your hair with water and a mild shampoo. 

hibiscus leaves for hair

Hibiscus hair mask for dry hair 

  • Step 1 - Add two tablespoons of crushed hibiscus petals, coconut milk and honey each to a bowl. 
  • Step 2 - Add four tablespoons of aloe vera gel and two tablespoons of yogurt to the mix and blend well to form a thick paste. 
  • Step 3 - Apply this paste to your scalp and hair and let it stay for 30 minutes. 
  • Step 4 - Wash off with lukewarm water and a mild shampoo. 

hibiscus leaves for hair

Hibiscus and egg for hair growth 

  • Step 01: Mix three tablespoons of crushed hibiscus flower and two egg whites together in a bowl to form a paste. 
  • Step 02: Apply this paste evenly on your scalp and hair and let it sit for 20 minutes.  
  • Step 03: Rinse off with lukewarm water and a mild shampoo. 

hibiscus leaves for hair

Fun facts about hibiscus 

  • In China, it is known as the ‘shoe flower’ because they use the hibiscus flower to polish their shoes.  

  • Tahitian and Hawaiian women wear this flower behind their right ear as an indication they are single. On the other hand, married women wear it behind their left ear. 

  • Hibiscus flower is a natural dye and was once used not just in paintings, but also as a natural blush and lipstick. 

  • Because of the citrus-like taste, this flower is commonly used in soups, chutneys, salads and jams. 

FAQs on hibiscus leaves for hair 

Is it safe to drink hibiscus tea every day? 

Yes, drinking hibiscus tea in moderation every day is safe and does not cause any adverse effects. You can drink one to two cups of this tea in a day and notice changes in your skin and hair with time.  

Does hibiscus tea help in losing weight? 

Research does support the claim that drinking hibiscus tea can help people to lose weight and prevent obesity. But this needs to be backed by a good diet and some physical exercise to see visible and longer-lasting results. 

Does hibiscus tea reverse hair greying? 

While there is no concrete evidence, ancient India has been using it as a natural remedy to darken hair colour. 

The red flower not only looks beautiful but also offers a wide range of benefits; it is particularly used to address a lot of hair concerns. Right from hair loss to dryness, using hibiscus leaves for hair can put an end to all of them. 

Lopa K

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Written by Team BBSep 18, 2022
Dark Lips: What are the Causes and the Remedies?

If you've ever found yourself searching for a dark lips remedy, you’re not alone. While dark lipstick may look flattering, naturally dark lips can less desirable for some. When lips lose their natural flush of colour and turn grey or dark, this discolouration is called lip hyperpigmentation.  

Just like our body contains melanin that determines the colour of our skin, the skin on our lips lack the skin cells called melanocytes that produce pigment. Lips are covered with thin and delicate layer of skin, making the blood vessels to appear more prominently, giving them their pink colour. 

When we notably see that our lips are turning dark, there could be many factors leading to it. Most of the time, it’s due to environmental or lifestyle factors that lead to the darkness of the lips. Below we will discuss what are the dark lips causes and remedies to take care of our pout. We will also give you some tips on home remedies for dark lips. 

Dark Lip Basics 

dark lips remedy woman vaseline

Lips are only covered with three to five layers of cells, unlike most of the skin which is covered with about 16. This means that the thin skin of our lips is more vulnerable to damage such as darkness, dryness, dullness and discolouration.  

The outside part, where lipstick is applied, is called the vermillion. The vermillion doesn’t have the sweat or oil glands like the rest of our skin. The protective barriers are thin and hence our lips are more susceptible to pollution and UV damage.  

Lack of moisture leads to discoloured, dark, hyperpigmented lips due to excess melanin production. This happens due to various reasons including sun exposure, smoking, pregnancy, certain medication or other medical issues. Less moisture also leads to dry lips. To combat dryness on lips, we suggest using Vaseline Lip Therapy Aloe Tin. The lightweight formula is made with aloe vera that helps soothe and heal dry lips by locking in moisture. Read on to find out dark lips causes and remedies. We will also discuss how to lighten dark lips at home. 

Causes for Dark Lips 

1. Sun Exposure 

dark lips remedy woman sun protection

We often use a sun block to protect our skin from the damage caused by UV rays. But we forget about the most sensitive part, our lips. Excessive exposure to sun rays without any lip protection can stimulate an over-production of melanin, leading to pigmented or dark lips. Notable discolouration is visible in light to medium-coloured skin tones. 

2. Smoking 

Smoking is not only harmful to health but also is a major culprit of dark lips. People who smoke regularly often have dark line around the lips. As soon as you light a cigarette, nicotine and tar in tobacco transfers on the lips. This encourages melanin production on the skin and cause lips to darken over a period of time. 

3. Dehydration 

dark lips remedy woman

We all know hydration plays a key role in maintaining healthy skin and hair. But hydration is also important to maintain beautiful pink colour of our pout. A lack of water in the diet can cause dry, chapped, and irritated lips. So it’s important to drink at least eight glasses of water everyday and even more during winters.  

Our lips suffer the most during winter due to extreme dryness. Dry lips are a major reason for dark and pigmented lips. Hence, keeping our body hydrated from within can help in reduce dry lips. 

Other causes for dark lips can be due to medical reasons such as vitamin deficiency, makeup, allergies to lipsticks or toothpaste and any irritation or injury. Dark spots or hyperpigmentation on lips can also be caused when you are on high-dosage medications. 

During pregnancy, some women may also experience darkness on lips and dark patches on nipples, forehead and even neck. However, these areas usually return to their natural colour post pregnancy. Most people also lick their lips thinking it will solve the issue of dryness. Instead, hyperpigmentation is worsened by lip licking. Saliva enzymes break down the lip colour and exposes them to further dry air creating hyperpigmentation to occur. 

Remedies for Dark Lips 

1. Wear a lip balm with SPF 

dark lips remedy woman Lakme lip balm

Protecting the lips from UV rays is essential in treating dark or pigmented lips. Using lip balms prove to be hydrating for lips and prevents them from chapping. Furthermore, if lip balms or chap sticks contain SPF, lips are protected from harmful UV rays.  

2. We recommend using Lakme Lip Love chap stick

With 22 hours of intense moisture and SPF 15, Lakme chap stick protects the lips when you are out and about in the sun.  

3. Massage with lip oil every night 

dark lips remedy woman oil

Include massaging your lips with oil in your night care routine. Massaging can improve blood circulation and better absorption of products. You can massage the lips using coconut oil, jojoba oil and almond oil. These oils have essential fats and minerals that leave the lips supple and hydrated.  

Massage with any one of these oils for at least five minutes before going to sleep. Leave the oil overnight and wake up with soft lips. 

4. Exfoliate regularly 

dark lips remedy woman exfoliation

While we may exfoliate our skin on weekly basis, we often forget about our lips. Moisturising and exfoliation must be included in our lip care routine. Exfoliation removes dead skin cells which allows better penetration of products and moisture hence reducing darkness on lips over a period of time.  

You can resort to DIY home remedies to lighten the dark lips by preparing natural scrubs at home. You can mix coconut oil and sugar and exfoliate the lips with gentle pressure. Do not over exfoliate your lips as it can cause irritation and redness.  

Deep exfoliation once a week will help retain moisture and follow it by sealing the moisture with a lip oil or balm throughout the day. Natural remedies to lighten dark lips are safe to use with no side-effects.   

Discolouration or dark lips are not a major concern and can be reversed over time with proper lip care. However, if you see any skin lesions or irregular darkness or growth and shape change, you should see a doctor. You can get your pout back in business with extra TLC. Do not leave your lips out of your skin care routine. 

FAQs about Dark Lips: Causes & Remedies 

Q. Does drinking coffee darken the lips? 

A. Yes. Drinking lots of coffee can make the lips dark. Caffeine present in coffee can stain the teeth as well as lips. Hence, reducing coffee intake can help in lightening dark lips. 

Q. Is honey good for lips? 

A. Yes. Honey has anti-bacterial properties and helps in healing wounds like bleeding caused by dry and cracked lips. You can apply raw honey for faster healing. To treat dry lips, you can make a honey scrub. Take a tablespoon of honey and mix it with sugar and use it to gently exfoliate your lips. 

Q. Does glycerine help in getting rid of dark lips? 

A. Sun exposure can lead to dry skin. Applying glycerine as a lip mask before going to bed can help in minimizing the water loss. It helps in keeping the lips hydrated overnight. 

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Team efforts wins!!!!


Written by Kinnari AsharSep 08, 2022
How to Care for Piercings to Avoid Skin Infections

Piercing is not new to us womankind. We’ve been getting pierced for centuries now. More recently, however, piercing has evolved into a gender-neutral phenomenon. Also piercing is no longer restricted to just ears and nose—eyebrows, belly buttons, nose and all kinds of other body parts can now be pierced! But it is essential that you know how to care for a new piercing. 

However fancy and cool this trend might seem, it definitely needs one to be serious about skin care. You need to make sure you pick the right skin aesthetician to take care of your piercing and its aftercare. Aftercare is important because pierced skin is extremely susceptible to infections which can cause a lot of misery. 

Read on as we curate some key points for you to keep in mind while you get your skin pierced and how to care for a new piercing. 

Ear Piercing Care Basics 

The ear piercing process begins with a professional using a needle or piercing gun to mark a spot on your ear and make a hole. After the hole has been pierced, the piercer will insert an earring depending on where you get your piercing. 

Taking Care of Your Piercings  

While ear piercing is generally safe and simple, you should follow a few guidelines to make sure it is done correctly. You'll reduce your chances of getting an infection by knowing what to expect during the process and what to do afterwards to care for your ear. Read on to know how to prepare for getting your ears pierced and how to take care afterwards.  

Be attentive  

Make sure you know what equipment your piercer will use, whether it is a gun or a needle. It is advisable to get the piercing done with a needle rather than a gun as the gun forces the earrings through, which applies a lot of pressure and unnecessary damage to the skin tissues. Using a needle means that you can control the accuracy and keep a check if the needle is sterile. Also, the needle ensures a small incision into the tissue which means minimal damage to the area. 

Taking care of your piercings to avoid skin infections ear woman

Wash with care  

After the piercing is done make sure you keep the pierced area clean. Wash your pierced part with soap and water or saline solution. Avoid applying any alcohol-based product. Alcohol makes your skin dry, which means it can crack and bleed, causing wounds to remain open and not heal properly. Use oil-based soaps so the wound stays clean and it helps soften up the healing tissue. Don’t over-clean it because that too can delay healing. 

Taking care of your piercings to avoid skin infections nose woman blonde

Be patient 

Be mentally prepared because piercing takes time to heal. Nurse it back to health, keep it clean and make sure that there is no swelling. If you see swelling apply ice. Basically, aftercare is crucial so make sure you are careful. Ear lobes take about 2-3 months to heal and cartilage takes about 3-10 months. The minute it stops hurting, swelling and secreting fluid and any redness, that means it has healed. 

See the piercer  

If you notice excessive swelling, redness or heat then consult your piercer. Don’t stress, this happens because your piercing is not fully healed. Don’t search online or ask friends, just GO TO THE PIERCER. If you think that the visit wasn’t helpful then visit the doctor. 

Taking care of your piercings to avoid skin infections man

Be extra careful 

The healing process is very delicate and it takes months. So, make sure you don’t dress up in something that would hurt your piercing, don’t tug the area. This can delay the healing process. Don’t change your jewellery without the help of your piercer. Reduce the intake of caffeine, nicotine and alcohol until the piercing is healed. Avoid going for a swim or taking a bath in tubs because it can cause skin infection. 

FAQs regarding Taking Care of Ear Piercings  

What is the healing time for an ear piercing? 

An earlobe piercing heals in 6 weeks, while a cartilage piercing takes 12 weeks. 

Can I take my earrings out or change them during the healing process? 

Unfortunately, no. Ears that are newly pierced require special care and attention since they are very sensitive. During the healing process, removing your earrings could close the holes and make it difficult to re-insert the earrings. 

What do I do if I have painful, red ears after getting my ears pierced? 

Ear piercings are not normally associated with pain, swelling, or redness. In case of any of these symptoms, contact your doctor right away. You may need to remove your earrings if instructed. 



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